



报告人一: Panu Lahti  副研究员(应用数学研究所    

题目一Functions of bounded variation and nonlocal functionals    

摘 要In the past two decades, starting with the pioneering work of Bourgain, Brezis, and Mironescu, there has been widespread interest in characterizing Sobolev and BV (bounded variation) functions by means of non-local functionals. In my recent work I have studied two such functionals: a BMO-type (bounded mean oscillation) functional, and a functional related to the fractional Sobolev seminorms. I will discuss some of my results concerning the limits of these functionals, the concept of Gamma-convergence, and also open problems.  


报告人二 叶剑 副研究员数学研究所    

题目二:On vacuum static spaces

摘要:In this talk, we will discuss vacuum static spaces. We firstly introduce the motivation, recent development and some difficult problems that have yet to be solved  on vacuum static spaces. Then we present several results on closed vacuum static spaces.    

  间:2023.11.24(星期五), 10:40-12:00    




